♥️ “I believe that the world was created and approved by love, that it subsists, coheres, and endures by love, and that, insofar as it is redeemable, it can be redeemed only by love.” ♥️ ~ Wendell Berry Reflecting on the past
Moving forward | Leading with love Hello friends! I hope your solstice and full moon were empowering, healing, and restorative. Last week I wrote to you about some of my own struggles. I am deeply appreciative of the conversations that took place as a result. It’s healing to share with people who are loving, and supportive, and who don’t turn away from our shadow side. In our challenges, it’s important to be reminded we are not alone As I took time over solstice and the Blooming Moon to listen within, I kept returning to this quotation: “Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” ~ Paul Coehlo These past few weeks, we have been helping my parents pack up their home. They have LOVED their home, and their neighborhood, for the past 30 years. While they are ready for the ease of their new condominium, the transition isn’t simple. As we sift and sort through all of their belongings, I’ve un-earthed parts of my own life I haven’t looked at in ages. That asymmetrical short haircut I was sporting in the late 80’s?! The mustard color tent of a dress I wore to my brother’s college graduation? YIKES! 🤣 All of this reminds me of the learning we do over the years. I’m not talking about the learning that expands us, makes us more wise, and helps us evolve into better human beings. I’m thinking of what I call “learning worse” or “spiraling down” . . . the learning that diminishes us, makes us fearful, teaches us separation from others or from ourself. Seeing so many old photos and artifacts put me in a place of reflection. My inner voice was not always gentle and kind, but I was able to pause. And ground. And move myself into gratitude. Gratitude for all of the experiences, because each has shaped me into who I am now. I can continue to move the needle out of those old patterns into something brighter, more truthful to who I really am. And, when it comes down to it, I think Wendell Berry has it exactly right: 👀⬆️ to the quotation above ♥️ So, that’s it. I’m going to bask in love, use love as my balm, and be a source of love for myself and others. Big love . . . and thanks for being here, ~ m P.S. Mike’s Band is playing at Red Dock 🎉 Sunday, July 14 | 3 - 7 P Guest Vocals by my dear friend, Michelle Fish Trust me, you WANT to hear her sing!! 🎤 I hope to see you there!
The beautiful poppies in Fennville, Michigan
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” ~ Alexander Den Heijer From Darkness to Light
Tending to your soul on solstice Hello friends! This solstice I hope you take time to care for your own soul. Truly. On this longest day of light . . .
Over this past week, I had some unexpected challenges. Honestly? It got uncomfortable, and I got agitated. In my deepest frustration, I resorted to some old patterns . . . in both my thinking and in my behavior. None of it was pretty. I am trying to sift through the teachings from those challenges:
This internal curiosity is important. I think it’s helpful to look at, and into, the darkness. It’s okay. We all have our quirks, our challenges, our wounds, and our scars. And sometimes, we resort to old patterns. But, when we shed light on things, there’s an opportunity for growth. We can see things differently. Move the needle on the record into a different groove and help ourselves shift. I don’t want to be that frustrated. I don’t like how it feels in my body, and I don’t like what my mind starts saying to myself. It’s shocking how hard I can be self and how I can double-down on that narrative of self-criticism. So, today, I invite you to join me in bringing things into the light. Softly. Sweetly. Rather than expecting ourselves to move from absolute darkness into blindingly bright light, how about a gentle turning up on the dimmer switch? The darkness is not something to fear. And, we can use a soft internal gaze to bring ourselves further into the light. After all, no one else can do it for us. I was that frustrated. I was that hard on myself. I can learn from what happened and try something different next time. I hope all of us can do something in celebration of the light. The light that guides. Inspires. And leads us forward on our pathway. I know I will see some of you tonight at Oval Beach, and I can’t wait. For me, being in community, harnessing our collective light, is so powerful. I know our efforts are amplified when we come together, and I’m excited to be with you. Happy Solstice everyone! Enjoy that big, beautiful Blooming Moon. ~ m
“Time flows in the same way for all human beings; every human being flows through time in a different way.” ~ YASUNARI KAWABATA Softening In
Finding Flow I’m so thankful you are here, and I am grateful for your moments of attention. You are busy. I am busy. And yet, here we are. I love writing this newsletter. Each week it affords me the opportunity to pause. To gather my thoughts. To soften and feel into what’s bubbling up and wants to emerge. Honestly? It takes time. I don’t plan out my topics in advance. Instead, I settle in and explore. Hopefully, I find my voice and my flow. Ideally, it is of some small bit of service for you. This slowing down, this spaciousness for reflection, discernment, and connection seems like a revolutionary act. Maybe “revolutionary” sounds strong? Perhaps I should say this attentiveness is a “radical” act, but I don’t often care for that word. At the very least, gifting ourselves a moment to tune in, to connect, to feel, to check in . . . it’s an incredible act of self-care. When there are so many external things grabbing for our attention, it’s important to know we can direct our gaze where we choose. We are worth being tended to. It is good to slow down. I’ve been sitting with the quotation up above. 👀⬆️ Life asks a lot from most of us. Much of it is challenging. You are busy. I am busy. And yet, I don’t want to be an unnecessary obstacle in the flow of my own life. I want to be wholly present, so I can have true connection and see the magic that surrounds me. I want to be courageous enough to feel ALL the feelings so that I can continue to learn and evolve. Saturday night we shared dinner with a dear friend on the lakeshore. The weather was grey, raining, and lousy. Until it wasn’t! We were in awe of the sunset and the sky that continued to radiate its splendor afterwards. The weather that night seems a lot like daily life: sometimes unpleasant or uncomfortable; always changing; at times, magnificent! Thanks for being here. I have so many stories about my time in Burundi, and they are still percolating. I can’t wait to see what emerges from the experience! Light and love, ~ m We were greeted with vibrant, joyful song and dance. More than once!
I especially fell in love with the kids! I think this 15 second video shows you why. 😍 Watch to the end, volume on, if you can. So, for now, I leave you with that amazing amount of cuteness. 🥰
I need a little more recovery time and lots more reflection. I’m certain the learning from my time in Burundi will continue to emerge, and I’m excited to share with you. I’m thrilled to return to teaching tomorrow . . , hope to see you on the mat. Big ♥️, ~ m P.S. THE Summer Solstice event | Sign Up ☺️ Gentle yoga & soothing sound bath along Lake Michigan. ☀️🙏🏽 Thursday, June 20 | Oval Beach | 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. Teresa VanEyk, Harvey Deutch, and Me 🥰 |
AuthorMichelle Shaw: Archives
December 2024