“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” ~ Lucille Ball Inviting it In
Exploring our Growth Hello friends! Some of you know I spent the first 13 years of my professional life as an English teacher. I loved it, and I am still smitten with, and thrilled by, words. Language has the POWER to take us away, open up worlds, expand our minds, our hearts, our vision, and our beings. When something is so well written we feel we took a step in someone else's shoes? Incredible. This breaks down barriers and brings us together simply by turning the page. I am in awe of authors. So today, I offer up a poem. Many of you probably already know it, but now . . . I invite you to integrate this poem into your meditation. Find stillness. Sit with it. Breathe it in and chew it up. Make it part of your being. The Guest House “This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.” ~ Rumi Translation, Coleman Barks I love this. It reminds us to honor all of our feelings because each has something to teach us. And then, perhaps, we have some say in which of these guests get to remain at the party. 😉 Example: maybe self-doubt should not get to linger. Instead, we can greet it, laughing because it’s so familiar it has become comfortable. Then, allow it to become our teacher, guiding us into our growth. If we are truly to be of service to the greater good, for ourselves and for others, then perhaps we should no longer give energy to doubt and uncertainty? Here’s to allowing everything to be part of the party so that we can continue to grow and evolve. And, to staying focused on being present so we can be lead with light and love. If you have a poem, or a quote, you’d like to share . . . send it my way! Who knows? Maybe it will even spark a future edition of this newsletter. 🥰 I appreciate you, ♥️ m
“This is a wonderful day. I have never seen this one before.” ~ Maya Angelou Shadow Self
Bring It ALL Into the Light Hello friends! September might just be my favorite month, and the equinox is always one of my favorite days of the year. The autumnal equinox is nature’s reminder to turn towards the light within. Nighttime arrives a little earlier and lingers longer, gradually inviting us into deeper meditation and more stillness. I look at this day as an opportunity to reconnect and reboot. And this year, I am not going to shy away from settling into shadow self. Here’s the thing. The shadow side of self may sound dark, or ominous, or scary. Definitely something we may wish to avoid. But that’s just it. Without shadow, there is no light . . . and I want all of us to shine brightly! Which means being honest, and getting clear, about our shadows. Example: my pattern of people pleasing. I used to tell myself that people pleasing was kindness, or caring. Definitely a sacrifice. It made me feel better about myself, and I used that faux superiority to set myself apart. Maybe even resent others? 😔 Not pretty. So, when I read a piece from Jesse Johnson Coaching identifying people pleasing as manipulative, it as an Aha! moment for me. The true root of my behavior, the depth of my shadow, was plain and clear. And, while it was not attractive, now that I could see it for what it was, it was easy for me to make a switch to authentically pleasing people. With respect for myself. With love and light for others. I encourage you to celebrate this Equinox and take some time in stillness. What aspect of yourself do you want to bring into the light so that it can be seen? With soft eyes and playful curiosity. Does it need healed or mended? Released? Further nurtured so it can grow and blossom? I know shame thrives in secrecy, so let’s not reside there. This Equinox, let’s be willing to look into the dark corners. Let’s lovingly explore the shadows. And let’s choose to live in the light. Thanks for being here, ~ m P.S. ArtPrize is HAPPENING! Abdoulaye’s mural, Raining Wisdom, can be viewed @ 45 Ottawa Avenue. Vote early and often 😉
“Peace, in its most fundamental form, is the connection of one human spirit to another.” ~ Bishop Desmond Tutu Small Acts
Big Impact Hello beauties! In October 2021, Mike and I went to Beaver Island (the largest Island in Lake Michigan) for a getaway weekend. After the short, bouncy plane ride from Charlevoix, we hoisted our bikes into the back of the rental pickup, (Yep, you can bring bikes with you on the tiny plane. Fantastic!) The pickup was a little beat up, not particularly clean (but, highly fragranced from the pine tree air freshener hanging from the mirror 🌲😉) and it certainly was not new. The keys were in it, and there was a handwritten note from Bob, the owner, with a reminder of where to return the truck when we were finished. As we began the drive towards our rental property, we noticed everyone we passed waved at us. Well, they weren’t exactly waving. People would simply extend some fingers from the grip around their steering wheel, smile, and nod. Sometimes four fingers were raised. Other times just the pointer finger. But always a moment of acknowledgement. At first I thought, “Wow! Everyone must know Bob, and he must be really well liked on this island.” 😄 It took me a while to figure out . . . people on Beaver Island always greet one another, in some small way, when they cross paths. For our short time spent in this isolated location, the simple acknowledgment of one another was . . . comforting? This subtle moment of recognition said, “I see you,” without having to say a word. It was nearly effortless, and yet, it fostered connectivity. Of course, even in our small villages of Saugatuck and Douglas, “waving” at everyone we pass is not practical. 😆 But, no matter our surroundings, this got me wondering: What can we do to foster kindness and connectivity with our fellow travelers? Especially something that takes so little effort and still has impact?? I almost always wear a cuff bracelet that says, “Be the Light.” It reminds me of my commitment to being a person who brightens the world. For as many people as possible. For everyone I connect with. Yes, when I am teaching classes, but also as I move in the world. I’m not thinking of grand gestures, or expensive options, I’m thinking of things as simple as (literally) lifting a finger.
Honestly? We may never know the impact of our kindnesses. But, that’s part of what it means to be genuinely kind. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about if we want to be joyful? We have to feel, and experience, joy. If we want to be calm? We have to invite in, and practice, being calm. We can’t ruminate in anger, or fear, or misery and expect to magically wind up in a different state of being. So, here’s to doing small things that make a big impact. For others. And, for ourselves. Love to all, ~ m P.S. Planning a trip to ArtPrize in downtown Grand Rapids? Voting begins TODAY @ 5PM. You have to register to vote, and place your first vote, in person, in Grand Rapids. Then, you can vote every day from home. 🥰 Abdoulaye’s mural, Raining Wisdom, can be viewed @ 45 Ottawa Avenue. Measuring 30’ tall and 66’ long, it’s one of his most ambitious projects to date!
"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes ... Including you." ~ Anne Lamott Don’t Want to Miss Out?
Gift Yourself the Moment to Pause Hi friends! How’s your start of September? Maybe it’s the super warm weather we enjoyed over the holiday weekend, or the fact that we still have two full weeks of summer ahead, but I’m thinking more about my next swim in Lake Michigan than I am about Pumpkin Spice anything. 🤷🏻♀️ Lots of us (especially here in West Michigan) want to make the most of each and every blue sky moment. We continue “doing it all” so that we won’t miss out on anything. Believe me. I get it. 😉 And, I realize that when I am going, going, going . . . I am missing out on something super necessary. I am missing my moment to “do nothing.” It’s when we pause that we can become calm. And get clear. Find that next burst of creativity. Or necessary step towards healing. Turns out, we need rest. Our hardworking, fun-loving culture may not applaud us when we stop doing, but I am here to encourage you to take those moments of pause:
I believe these moments of doing nothing? They”ll make all we do even better! Give it a try and let me know how it goes. 🫶🏽 Send me a favorite photo of your version of “doing nothing.” 📷 Okay, time for me to take a pause. 🥰 💡﹠♥️ ~m P.S. Voting for ArtPrize begins in 1 week, Thursday, September 14. Get excited! And remember . . . you have to register to vote in person. 😍 |
AuthorMichelle Shaw: Archives
December 2024