"Remember that this is not something we do just once or twice. Interrupting our destructive habits and awakening our heart is the work of a lifetime."" ~ Pema Chodron Hello, my friends!
I couldn't resist sharing this series of Javi photos with you today. He's a regular in my home studio, and I enjoy having his energy with me while I practice. Typically, he settles right into yoga time. Who knew that he's also interested in playing my Tibetan singing bowl?! 😅 (Thanks for capturing the entire getaway, Julie!) If Javi's cuteness distracted you, and you missed the quotation at the top? Understandable! 😉 But, please. Take another moment to (re)-read. ☝🏽 " . . . awakening our heart is the work of a lifetime." I agree, and I cannot overstate the importance, the value, of this work. When we enliven our own heart space, and lead from there, it is valuable for ourselves, one another, our community, and our planet. Today, a powerful, simple breath practice to help tune into, and awaken, our heart space. It's all about expanding self-love.
Ahhhhhh, what a shift. Linger there, and soak up the goodness, for as long as possible. So simple. So powerful. So. Much. Value. Why not gift yourself this simple ritual every day, for the next seven days? Let me know how it goes! ♥️♥️♥️, ~m P.S. Only 5 slots left for this year's Art Of Connection Saturday, June 24 | 2 - 5 P. Learn more and secure your spot, here. Have questions? Want to know more? Please, reach out: [email protected]
"The little things in life, as we know, actually are the big things. Habits, patterns, unconscious tendencies . . . they make up and shape the foundation of our lives." ~ Lexie Marie Happy spring, everyone! 🌷
I LOVE the energy of this moment. New Moon: a time of seed planting and intention setting . . . ➕ Spring Equinox: the balance between dark and light, the beginning of the astrological year, when everything begins turning to the light . . . 🟰 A powerful time for us tap into, support, and ignite our life force. You know, the vibration that is uniquely us. The love and light that we are already are. The vibration that the world needs more of! So, how do we reconnect to our source self? Let alone bolster our highest, best self? The answer begins with something so simple. And yet, this simple act remains elusive for SO many of us. It starts with getting still. I hope you'll join me in carving out time today (or later this week, or over the weekend) to get still. And very quiet. Eliminate any and every distraction you can. Maybe this happens on your yoga mat. Maybe on your couch. Or in your tub, or in bed, or underneath your favorite tree, or along the lakeshore, or on top of a mighty mountain. Make it simple. Make it special. This stillness is for you, so make it yours. Once you're still, invite your entire self to arrive. The shadow and the light. The parts of yourself you admire. And the aspects you would rather hide away. Bring it ALL in. Then, explore connection to your breath. Can you expand it to be deep and even? Do you want further release by sighing out on the exhale? Would you like to add movement in your arms, shoulders, belly, or hips? Begin listening to every nook and cranny of your body. Stay with the stillness and the quiet longer than you imagine. Let yourself drift, so you can hear the intelligence within your body and every fiber of your being. This is not something we "think" through. This is something we feel into and experience. Taking these moments to disconnect, so we can reconnect, are essential for our nervous system and our well-being. Here's to having the courage to listen within and love ourselves fully, ~ m ♥️ P.S. Registration for Art Of Connection is OPEN! Saturday, June 24 | 2 - 5 P. Learn more and secure your spot, here. "Just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful and inspiring day. It was just what I needed. My friends were all jealous when I told them about it. . . . I think I have an inspiration 'hangover' if there is such a thing." ~ Dona Amato Hello, my friends!
I hope you spent this past week doubling down on self love. ♥️🥰 (Missed last week's newsletter? You can find it here.) Keep that goodness going, won't you? And, I hope you made it through the time change without too much disruption. I can tell you who is most aware of that shift in our house?! Our puppy, Javi. My attempts to shift his feeding schedule have given "hangry" some new looks! 🐶😅 Speaking of time changes, you may have noticed the very autumnal look at the top of this newsletter. That's because my dear friend, Theresa, typically visits Michigan in the fall. And, for the last two years, that's when we have hosted our once-a-year workshop, Art of Connection. However, this year Theresa is visiting in June for a family wedding. That shift got us thinking and dreaming❣️ Personally, I am SO excited about what we came up with, and I think you are going to LOVE what's happening. 🦋 Art of Connection is a dream-come-true collaboration. And, true to all successful collaborations, it features both of our distinctive styles and talents. Together, it forms something even more beautiful. 💕 Theresa will guide you through a very intuitive, creative style of painting. I will lead you through gentle, powerful breath, meditation, and movement.
Not only is this year's workshop at a different time of year:
I truly hope you can join us. LOVE, ~ m ♥️ "When you love yourself, you glow from the inside. You attract people who love, respect, and appreciate your energy. Everything starts with how you feel about yourself. Start feeling worthy, valuable, and deserving of receiving the best life has to offer. Be magnetic." ~ Vybe Source Hi, beauties!
How are you today? If you hurried through it, or skipped right over it, please . . . take a few big breaths. And then, (re)-read the quotation up above. 🎤💧 Wow! These words embody so much of what the journey is all about. Loving ourselves is big, important work; however, this work is often set aside, neglected, or avoided all together. I wonder how much of the chatter inside our brains is actually consumed with negativity towards ourselves? If we could calculate, what percentage would it be? 😬 And, for what? To what end? This is one of the many reasons why I love, and need, a daily practice. The very second verse, written by Patanjali explaining yoga, states, "Yogas chitta vritti nirodha" or "Meditation and contemplation are powerful tools for training and disciplining the mind." (Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Yoga International) Notice it does not say "control" the mind. It says, "train" and "discipline." That's right! We can choose to train and discipline our thinking. We don't have to stay in the well-worn grooves of fear, insecurity, negativity, or doubt. We can move that needle into a different groove! And, I do believe these shifts can happen very gently. Yoga encourages us to take care of our physical body, our mental body, and our energy body. All of yoga is a practice of self-awareness and self-love. And, all of yoga can be gentle. And spacious. And accessible. So, I'm asking you join me. Let's all focus on loving ourselves more fully. Let's all aim to "glow from the inside" and "be magnetic." I believe when our heart space lights our path, when our vibrations are raised, then . . . our light and love ripples out. Our love connects to, and benefits, those around us. And, it attracts the right people and opportunities to us. Maybe it does all start with how we feel about ourselves. 🥰 If you're ready to offer yourself a daily practice, but aren't sure how to get started, reach out! Together, we can customize something that serves you. Big hugs and big love, ♥️ m P.S. Shhhhhh. 🤫 I'm letting you in on a secret. YOU are the first to see the exciting evolution of Art Of Connection. New format. New price. Theresa & I are SO excited! We hope you can join us. "Nonresistance is the key to the greatest power in the Universe." ~ Eckhart Tolle Hello friends!
A short note this week. My time and energy are being gobbled up by our construction project. I VERY much look forward to (eventually!) being fully nestled into our new spaces. The good news is, I can really see them now! Tile has been grouted, counters are in, new bedding has been washed. And, between power outages, bouts of Covid, and additional unavoidable circumstances . . . the project is taking longer than expected. (Words spoken by nearly everyone who has ever built, remodeled, or put on an addition?!) 😅 This extended transition time is serving as a powerful reminder of just how much I value, appreciate, and need homeostasis. Having a place to relax into, a place that is a refuge, is a privilege. It's a privilege that I never want to take for granted. And, here's the thing. Even when things are a lot more chaotic than normal in our external happenings, there's one place you can always find peace and tranquility . . . within. 🥰 It's incredible to know we all have access to ease, and serenity, and relaxation within our own bodies. I'm so thankful for each and every tool in my robust toolkit that allows me to release stress and return to center. Yoga is definitely not something practiced only on my mat; yoga is the pathway to my place of refuge. ♥️ Not sure where to begin? Join me in 3 letting go breaths:
Got even more letting go to do?
Here's to finding peace within, ~ m ♥️ |
AuthorMichelle Shaw: Archives
December 2024