“We’re not here to manage the outside world. We’re here to manage our response to the outside world.” ~ Caroline Myss Hello friends!
This week has been a big one of transition in our house. Mike has officially started school with students, and the SCREAMS emanating from the Elementary school playground next door have returned to FULL decibel levels. 😃 Even though the start of the school year marks a significant shift, my summer teaching schedule is still in full swing. Outdoor classes continue on lawns, decks, and beaches and the Portugal tour is just around the corner. Of course, there’s also the barrage of political asks and advertisements that have only increased in both tempo and intensity. It’s in these moments of transition and busyness that I’m tempted to let go of some of my self care. I’m busy. I’m depleted. I’ve been teaching seven days a week since May. However, I KNOW these are the moments when it’s essential to stay committed to my well-being. Thanks GOODNESS for my own daily yoga practices. It’s something I talk about while teaching Asana classes, but it’s difficult to cover in depth between poses. Sure, yoga can be a series of flow and postures, but all that movement? It’s a tiny aspect of what yoga is. Yoga is the practice of optimizing ourselves in every way Our physical bodies? Yes! Stronger. More flexible. Better balance. But beyond that, it’s about tuning up our awareness so that we can self-regulate more easily. That may not sound like much, but really? It’s everything. Life is complex. And complicated. It asks a lot from ALL of us. And through it all, I want to thrive. I don’t want to be pushed and pulled all the time by external forces. I want to know how to remain in a place of calm. I want to know how to release things when needed. I want to know ways that truly help me be renewed. This is what emerges through daily practice. This is the gift of yoga. Happy holiday weekend, everyone! I’d love to see you on the mat. Saturday | Saugatuck Yacht Club | 8:30 - 9:30 A | Bring friends! ALL are welcome Monday | Satya Yoga | 8:30 - 9:30 | Mats and props included ♥️ m P.S. Later this fall, I’ll be opening up my customized daily practice program that can help YOU flow through life as your highest, best self. Stay tuned!
“Listen to silence. It has much to say.” ~ Rumi While we were away, I received this musing from Lizzie Lasater.
If you’re not familiar with her, she’s a busy mom of twins, who creates a lot of phenomenal yoga content through her writings, retreats, and course offerings. When I saw her “love letter to Savasana”, it bolstered me. I highly recommend signing up for her newsletter. It’s one I open every time. ♥️ “Skipping Savasana is like telling the Universe: I don’t deserve rest. When you’re giving out delights, please skip me. I don’t want any pleasure or softness or ease in my life. Practicing Savasana regularly with all the props for 20 spacious minutes is like saying: I deserve dessert. And FYI, I’m totally available to receive abundance. When you need to find me, Universe, I’ll be lying right here: Heart open.” No matter what is going on in your world right now, I hope you gift yourself permission to truly, deeply, rest. May we all have moments that are still, and sweet, and restorative. It may seem like we’re “doing nothing,” but this is where shifts happen. Until next time, ♥️ m
“The times are urgent. Let’s slow down.” ~ Báyò Akómoláfé Paris 2024
Bringing back the Magic Hello! Growing up, I LOVED the Summer Olympics. The pageantry. The uniforms. The sweeping theme music. The empowerment visible on every single athlete’s face as they paraded in. The tears on the podium as the national anthem played. Yes, there were moments of defeat, but what about those who were triumphant?! I could get swept away by almost any sport, as long as there was a good narrative to go along with the action. In 1996, I even had the privilege of seeing some of the Atlanta Olympic events in person: track and field, water polo, and of course, diving. It was epic. Somewhere along the line though, I quit watching. Sure, I was busy. True, I was no longer connected to the athletes in the pool. Maybe it got more complicated to figure out how to watch? I definitely was more aware of some of the problems and scandals around the Olympic Games. Regardless, for me? I was no longer feeling the magic. Until this year! I am once again loving watching these Games. Makes me curious about what I’ve been missing and why I walked away? But that doesn’t really matter. I’m here now, and I am here for it all What incredible moments we are witnessing! Day after day, night after night, I am once again dazzled. Of course, I’m only seeing a smattering of what’s taking place, because I really do have to get off my couch and accomplish a few other things . . . but these Games have been amazing! Let’s start with the fact that this is the FIRST EVER Olympic Games with full gender parity. That’s right. In 2024, we finally have an equal number of female and male athletes participating. This is HUGE! However, it doesn’t mean we’ve achieved gender equality in Olympic sports (or any other level of athletics). We have a long ways to go in terms of female representation in leadership positions and coaching positions, let alone equity with facilities and training, etc. But, let’s talk about some of those female athletes. No, I don’t want to talk about their uniforms, or their hair, or their body shape or size. or any of those other seemingly tantalizing talking points. I want to talk about their BadAssery! One recent example of that received lots of attention. Rebeca Andrade (Gold, Brazil), Simone Biles (Silver, US) and Jordan Chiles (Bronze, US) on the podium for individual floor. First, let’s celebrate that this is an all black podium . . . for a gymnastics event. Then, let’s look at what happened. As some were squawking about the mistakes Simone had made landing her the silver, Simone and Jordan were literally bowing to Rebeca on the Gold Medal stand. Now that’s badass. A second example that didn’t go as viral? The New Zealand Women’s Rugby Team performing the Haka after winning gold. If you missed it, you can watch it here. It will only take two minutes. You’re welcome. There are countless stories surrounding these Olympics that are inspiring me, melting me, challenging me, making me angry, and so much more. That’s what’s incredible about sport. Sports encompasses every part of our humanity, and it’s gorgeous to watch. What the human body can do is gobsmacking. Watching these Games has re-ignited the magic for me. This time, I see some of the flaws, the inequities, the injustices all along the way. But, I am once again allowing myself to be dazzled. Reconnecting to this child-like joy feels fantastic. Okay, gotta sign off. There’s US Women’s Soccer to watch. Cheers to ALL of humanity! ~m
“It is not what you gather in life, but what you scatter in life, that tells the kind of life you have lived.” ~ Helen Walton “Kindness is free, so sprinkle that stuff everywhere.” ~ Wavy Gravy Unplug 🔌
Re-Charge ⚡️ Am I the only one feeling a bit stunned that it’s August??. The days are long, and I aim to be present for ALL that is happening. Life has been busy, and fun, and exhausting, and depleting, and delightful, and social, and enlivening. The other day, I noticed an internal longing to simply sit inside an air conditioned space and tune out. A movie theater seemed like the perfect place because, you know. popcorn. Instead, I opted to say home, watch Olympic diving, and enjoy homemade guacamole. It felt deliciously indulgent to darken the room, turn on the AC, and lounge in my comfiest of clothes. Amidst all that is asked of us, all that we choose to take on, I hope we can carve out a few moments where we catch our own breath. Where we can both unplug and re-charge. Even in the long, bright days of summer, it’s okay to crave a little calm and quiet. For me? These quiet moments are essential. They help me show up wholeheartedly for my next yoga class, my next family get together, my next meeting, and my next outing on Little Wing! So, when you are craving for a bit of relaxation and restoration, go ahead. Be an enthusiastic “YES!” for yourself. And then, you’ll be ready to get back out there and scatter goodness everywhere. 🥰 Thanks for being here, and thanks for being the light, ~m Still trying to convince Javi he ENJOYS sailing 😉
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou Small Acts
Big Impact I recently read an interesting article about the power behind small acts of kindness. Dick Kazan, a 79 year old man in California, greets people passing by his home with a smile and wave. Every morning. That’s it. And guess what? People love it! In fact, folks have talked about the positive impacts that ripple out from this small gesture. The kids are really all in! Many smile and wave enthusiastically in return. What I was especially intrigued by though is the reasoning behind Mr. Kazan’s outreach. At 46 he was materially successful, but he also understood he was not a very nice person. Now, he delights in the small, intentional acts of kindness because he knows they build community and connection. I try and remind myself of this, and the Maya Angelou quotation up above 👀⬆️, during moments of challenge. Yes, in the heat of busy summer, people may challenge us at times. But, better to lead with light and love because we all need the moment of grace. So, take a deep breath everyone. Enjoy the moment. And remember to be kind, Unless you can be fantastic. Then, be fantastically kind! ♥️ Let’s all lead with love and light, ~m
“Our purpose is to put a name, a face, and a place to every cup of coffee you drink.” ~ Bob & Michelle Fish, Co-Founders of One Bigg Island in Space Escaping Our Own Mind
Listening with Both Ears There’s lots I want to share about my time in Nicaragua. First, the coffee farm we stayed on is GORGEOUS! No matter where we were throughout the 360 acres, everything was:
All that said, it’s the PEOPLE who made this trip so memorable:
On top of all that, I was able to lead yoga classes in the morning for whomever wanted to attend. If you’ve been in class with me, you know sometimes I give this unusual yoga cue: “Try listening with both of your ears.” While you may not think of our ears as having anything to do with yoga, this is a quick way to separate ourselves from the constant chatter that rattles around in our head. When we focus on trying to hear with both ears, we get outside of our head and into the soundscape that surrounds us. I teach in a lot of different environments, so sometimes this cue is less helpful. Who wants to tune into the noise of a highway or the loud lawnmowers and leaf blowers buzzing around? 🤪 But at El Recreo, this was the BEST cue imaginable. We listened to animated bird songs and bubbling waterfalls. I hope that soundscape stays with me, because it’s an imprint my nervous system needs! ♥️ So, take a moment to settle into a peaceful place and try it! Try listening with both of your ears. Reach far away for a sound. Then, bring your listening within to explore your own breath. Enjoy 5 - 10 rounds of expansive, even breathing. See how much better you feel?! 🥰 Yoga does not have to be complicated to be impactful, and it can happen anywhere! With love and light, ~m
Hope to see you at Red Dock on Sunday | 3 - 7 P! 🎉🎤🥰
“I’m glad I understand that while language is a gift, listening is a responsibility.” ~ Nikki Giovanni Lessening the Stress
Elevating our Lives The 4th of July may seem like a funny day to think about getting quiet within. 😉 But, when so much else is heightened around us, it’s even more important to have the tools that keep us grounded and connected. Today, a short note. A sweet reminder:
And, a quick heads up. No newsletter next week. I’ll be back in coffee land; this time Nicaragua! 🇳🇮 My classes at Satya, Lakeshore Resort, and Yacht Club are STILL ON! 💪🏽 I look forward to sharing stories of my adventures 🥰 Happy holiday, ~m P.S. Mike’s Band is playing at Red Dock, right when I return! 🎉 Sunday, July 14 | 3 - 7 P Guest Vocals by my dear friend, and fellow traveler, Michelle Fish Trust me, you WANT to hear her sing!! 🎤 I hope to see you there!
♥️ “I believe that the world was created and approved by love, that it subsists, coheres, and endures by love, and that, insofar as it is redeemable, it can be redeemed only by love.” ♥️ ~ Wendell Berry Reflecting on the past
Moving forward | Leading with love Hello friends! I hope your solstice and full moon were empowering, healing, and restorative. Last week I wrote to you about some of my own struggles. I am deeply appreciative of the conversations that took place as a result. It’s healing to share with people who are loving, and supportive, and who don’t turn away from our shadow side. In our challenges, it’s important to be reminded we are not alone As I took time over solstice and the Blooming Moon to listen within, I kept returning to this quotation: “Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” ~ Paul Coehlo These past few weeks, we have been helping my parents pack up their home. They have LOVED their home, and their neighborhood, for the past 30 years. While they are ready for the ease of their new condominium, the transition isn’t simple. As we sift and sort through all of their belongings, I’ve un-earthed parts of my own life I haven’t looked at in ages. That asymmetrical short haircut I was sporting in the late 80’s?! The mustard color tent of a dress I wore to my brother’s college graduation? YIKES! 🤣 All of this reminds me of the learning we do over the years. I’m not talking about the learning that expands us, makes us more wise, and helps us evolve into better human beings. I’m thinking of what I call “learning worse” or “spiraling down” . . . the learning that diminishes us, makes us fearful, teaches us separation from others or from ourself. Seeing so many old photos and artifacts put me in a place of reflection. My inner voice was not always gentle and kind, but I was able to pause. And ground. And move myself into gratitude. Gratitude for all of the experiences, because each has shaped me into who I am now. I can continue to move the needle out of those old patterns into something brighter, more truthful to who I really am. And, when it comes down to it, I think Wendell Berry has it exactly right: 👀⬆️ to the quotation above ♥️ So, that’s it. I’m going to bask in love, use love as my balm, and be a source of love for myself and others. Big love . . . and thanks for being here, ~ m P.S. Mike’s Band is playing at Red Dock 🎉 Sunday, July 14 | 3 - 7 P Guest Vocals by my dear friend, Michelle Fish Trust me, you WANT to hear her sing!! 🎤 I hope to see you there! |
AuthorMichelle Shaw: Archives
August 2024